Thursday, October 20


So Casey had some trouble with the bathroom door all on her own. Then she went to the washroom again while I was getting dessert for everyone. She had A LOT of trouble getting out that time.
I convinced her that she was stupid and couldn't get out because of her own door related retardation. 

Brock was holding the handle. 

You're welcome, friend.


So last week, Brittny decided to do a lovely portrait of me because I was mean to her. Right now she just made fun of me for fumbling with the lock on the bathroom door. So I’m gonna document what she does tonight and then post it. It could be pretty lame but it’s the best I’ve got in means of retaliation.

7:10pm- “He’s probably a little bit dead here...but he looks gross” Comment accompanying her googling pictures of Gadhafi.

7:12 pm- Picks nose

7:13pm- Brock catches me staring at Brittny but thinks I am staring at Lesia, Kyla’s sister. PS, Thursdays are study nights. That is why we are all together.

7:15pm- No one is talking...Brittny is staring at her computer. Maybe I’ll do a drawing of her until she says something worth documenting.

7:16pm- Damnit, she went downstairs for something. The portrait shall have to wait.

7:38pm- Brittny picks her nose again.

8:45pm- Brittny drops her phone. How embarrassing

9:08pm- I give up.

Friday, September 23

First Grade Friday

Summer is over. Sadness. It was a good one. I took two condensed classes through May and June so I really just had July and August off from school, but it was worth it. I’ll probably end up doing it again this summer. But thats 10 months away so we’ll see how I feel then. July and August was busy with a family trip through the Okanagon, a trip with friends up to my cabin, and other exciting events/parties. But now its September and I’m back to school and have no social life. Woot

            On our roadtrip, we discussed different memories from each grade of elementary school and were reminded how weird and awesome we are. Anyways, my memory from grade one: I definitely have a few that stand out, but the biggest memory which scarred me the most was the yogurt incident. I remember that my mom had packed me yogurt for lunch but had forgotten to pack a spoon. (NOTE: I kinda blame the following incident on my mother as this could have been avoided had I not been the middle child and forgotten/neglected for the majority of my life and she had packed me a spoon).

            Do to my excess of yogurt and lack of spoon, I had to ask my teacher if I could borrow a spoon from the teachers lounge. She left the room and came back with a spoon and I got up from my chair to meet her halfway across the room (because I aim to help others that way) to receive the spoon. As I went to sit down, the boy sitting next to me pulled my chair out from under me. I FELL to the ground, spoon clutched in hand, and my classmates laughed. This was the first time I had seen this prank pulled so I was thoroughly shocked and embarrassed that it had happened to me.

            I’m pretty sure that the only other people who remember this story other than my family. They were/are under the belief that the boy who pulled my chair out from under me was my future husband. I don’t think so, but thats the moment which stands out from grade one for me.

My grade one memory is the day a boy in my class ruined my show-and-tell day. 

First thing to note is I used to have super long hair. It usually was kept in a braid, I remember this only because I used to sit in my chair and entertain myself by trying to loop the end of the braid through the hole at the back of the seat. I looked like a moron.

Because your show-and-tell day is the third best day of the year (Christmas and your birthday being first and second...duh) my mom had helped me dress "fancy" for school. There is not much you can do to dress "fancy" when you wear a uniform so I settled with brushing my hair out so it was long and flowy like Rapunzel (happens to be my favourite fairy tale). 

So I'm at school and feeling all special and stuff, sitting at my table when all of a large chunk of my hair is missing. How I figured this out is a little fuzzy to me but all I remember is freaking out. 

Then ensued a grade one version of Law and Order. The teacher interviewed every kid around me. It was intense. The perpetrator ended up being a kid who still had the incriminating evidence on him- a pair of scissors in his back pocket with hairs stuck in it...classic.

So really this memory has nothing to do with my actual show-and-tell- which was my favourite doll, Angie, but about my traumatic experience on what was supposed to be the 3rd best day of the year for me.

There are only two things that are very vivid in my mind from first grade. 

The first is from the first day of school. I was new and slowly becoming familiar with my peers. There was one sitting at a desk next to me. Due to the severely butch haircut I could not figure out for the life of me if it was a girl or boy. Although I consider myself quite intelligent now, this has not always been the case. At the age of five my observation skills were not at their best. This child had earrings (blue ones...not all that helpful, really), but this fact did not matter at the time. It took me three or four days to finally realize that it was indeed a girl. We became friends. And I wanted to kind of be like her.
 So I got the butch haircut too. I don’t really understand what overcame me. My mother asked multiple times : “are you sure?” and boy was I sure. I’m not totally sure what the moral here is, but just don’t get boy haircuts if you aren’t a boy or else you will want to burn pictures of yourself from about a 6 month period. Hair doesn’t grow as fast as you think.

And my second, glorious memory is not one that I am proud of. All I’m really doing by telling you these stories is showing how incredibly stupid I was. Anyways, one of the books we read in the class was Bunnicula. I 
hated Bunnicula (like up there with ET and The Gremlins). In case you were never blessed with the opportunity to enjoy this tale, a brief synopsis : A family’s pet rabbit is a vegetable vampire or something, and it just drinks all the colour/juice from the vegetables in the fridge during the night. But with my fabulously creative imagination, I decided that all the animals in my house were going to get a taste for my blood and kill me in the middle of the night. I simply could not differentiate between a vegan rabbit and a homicidal cat/dog/bird (I was sure any of them were capable of ending my life). I cried. A lot. Because I was going to die soon. If it’s not obvious already, I did not get drained of blood by any of my pets, at least not enough to kill me. But I was tormented with the thought of that fate for months. 

Saturday, September 17

Today My Bathroom Ceiling Caved in on Me While I Was in the Shower

            Hi, My name is Derek. I am good friends with Kyla, Casey and Brittny who rule over this blog. I used to be VERY good friends with them until I went to Ottawa to do my Masters in Piano Performance. I think they are all a bit bitter at me for leaving, so they may have bumped me down to just the good friends category. They have been asking me to write something for their blog for quite a while now, but I never really knew what to write about. I felt too much pressure to write something funny. They wanted me to write about this time I ran up a mountain, but I mean how interesting is that? I tried writing about it, I got as far as:

“Uhhhh..... Today I ran up a mountain. And then I ran/fell back down?”

Against my better judgement I decided not to do that one. Even though I had spent a lot of work on it. I was beginning to think this might never happen. Luckily though, a series of events transpired that was just asking to be written about, no exaggerating or hyperboles needed. Now I think my title needs a bit of explaining, I just picked that because it is a pretty awesome title. It is only one of many unusual things occurring in this post. I also want to say that everything I say here is 100 percent true! I wrote out percent instead of using the symbol because it makes it look more impressive. Same with the bold.

            So this story needs a bit of boring background. Kind of like a prologue. I don’t usually read them because I keep looking forward to when the actual book starts. Or maybe that is the Forward? I’m not really sure. Anyways to make a long boring prologue a short boring prologue, when I moved to Ottawa I had a place lined up with a soon-to-be-roommate-friend for September. When he went to sign the papers he discovered there had been a mistake in the listing and it wasn’t till October, so we decided to take it anyway and use his old place from last year that was under renovation for a month. Comprenday?

            I think now the best way is to do an event by event analysis just to keep things ordered and organized. Because I love things ordered and organized…(not really).

Tuesday Sept. 6th
Earlyish - My plane arrives in Ottawa and Jordan (my new roommate) texts me the address of the place we are living. He says my ‘room’ needs a bit of cleaning up. He has been warning me for a while about the condition of the place. I dismiss it, I figure I would live places no one else would dare consider so that this couldn’t be too bad. I mean, I lived in a music building at the University of Victoria for a month. Like a boss. 

Late afternoonish - I get there and Jordan lets me in. It is quite dark and upon being question he says matter of factly, “Ooh theres no electricity.” Hmm...... Interesting. Good to know. We head through the hallway where there is a huge rolled up carpet taking up about 4/5ths of the hallway. For those bad at math that leaves 1/5th for walking. Equal to about one and a half size thirteen shoe widths. He takes me up a flight of stairs, it is so dark we have to use our cell phones as lights so we can see where we are going. I can see gaping holes in the walls and drywall and debris and broken glass all over the carpet floor. We get to the landing and I see a light!

 “Ooh yeah theres one outlet on the 4th floor that is working so I ran an extension cord down here to a power bar.”

 That is why I room with him. Ever so practical. 

“Your room is over there.”

 I open a door and all I see are renovating tools, sheets of drywall haphazardly strewn about the room, cans of paint, a crushed computer, a couple sets of front doors, holes in the walls, a set of blinds, and various other things whose purpose in life confused me.

 “Sorry which one? This one is being used.”
  “No thats the one.”

I spend a lot of time moving all the stuff into a back area of the room, which was almost like another section to the room. Actually moving is incorrect. I was throwing, hurtling, propelling, projecting, lanuching, chucking, and other words that showed up in the thesaurus. I swept out the inch or so of drywall dust and other stuff with the broken head of a broom, and moved in the mattress. Jordan looks in, “It looks like you are a crack addict.” I go to sleep.

Wednesday the 7th
9:00 - I am woken up to the sound of renovating. There are people outside my door working on the house. I go over the hilarity that ensued the night before and decide to leave my stuff packed and just live out of my suitcases. I don’t trust anything touching any of the surfaces of the room. I have just enough faith in the dresser to store my dirty clothes in it.

9:30am - I leave for school not really wanting to spend any more time than I need to at "home".

11:00pm - I return with Jordan after a long day of practicing. I don’t have any keys yet to the house, so I came back with him. I get upstairs to my room and find it locked. I had left it unlocked. Our landlord must have come by during the day and done me a ‘favor’ by locking it. I still hadn’t met him yet. I have to climb up the gazebo type thing in the front yard and climb through my 2nd story window. Once in through the window I then have to climb over all the stuff I have chucked into the back area while cleaning my room. I fall asleep feeling pretty awesome about myself. I dream about being an expert at parkour.

I will interrupt my narrative to talk about a few things. 

One: the condition of the house. Not a single room is livable, no heat, pretty much no electricity, holes everywhere, electrical stuff everywhere, bits of drywall and molding everywhere, and an unpleasant smell everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I really actually mean it. The nice thing about the unpleasant smell was that there were a few of them, depending on what area of the house you were in. If you got tired of one, just move around a bit and enjoy the others. There will be pictures I assure you.

Two: we have another roommate. His name is Kaled (pronounced Kah-LEED) and has a cool Bangladeshi accent. He is middle aged and has been here right through since the beginning, no one really knows why he is still here. He is one of the most ridiculous and random people I have ever met. For example, he does not wear a towel after having a shower, he wears a veil. He also is honestly taking a pee in the bathroom right beside me with the door wide open as I write this sentence. He claims to have lost a ton of weight by eating blueberries, and he has been kicked off of facebook for creeping on underage white girls (no joke).

Thursday the 8th.
9:00am - I awake not to jackhammers today but to Mr Lee our landlord knocking on my bedroom door asking for the rent. He is quite nice, but is charging an abnormally large amount of money to stay here. $450 to be exact.

9:15 - I have a shower, the only place in the house I take my shoes off (other than my bed) is the bathtub. And only then because I don’t want to ruin them.

9:30 - I walk back to my room and discover my door is locked again.

9:35 - I am in my room again after repeating the procedure from the night before, except this time with all the construction guys staring curiously at me.

 I think I should now talk about Mr. Lee and his renovating. I really just don’t get this man. He is the one giving orders to the men as they work, and telling them exactly what they should do. He is apparently a retired architect, but I really hope he has not built many houses in his lifetime. He will put in hardwood floor in a section of a room, and then move to a different room and put up a bit of drywall. Then in that same room he will cut holes in the new drywall to do the electrical. Would not any normal person think that hardwood floor would not be the first thing to go in a room, or putting up drywall only to cut a bunch of holes in it is slightly counterintuitive? Mr. Lee doesn’t.

 I shall not bore you with mindless details of the following days, as I am sure I have already done. If you are still reading then I am amazed, and it will get much more interesting from now on (I actually haven’t written it yet so I do not know for sure, I’m just saying that so you don’t stop now).

One interesting and exciting thing I discovered, when it was light, was that there are large holes leading from my room to Jordan’s room...and one not so exciting thing is that there are holes from Jordan’s room to the bathroom. I can spy on him in his sleep whenever I want to. I tell him I do every night, but I don’t think he believes me. He should, I’m not lying....

The next interesting turn of events happened on Sunday the 11th. I got home from the University at around 10 and Jordan informed me that the stove stopped working. I don’t really know how it ever was working, it seemed to be making a silent stand to the house that it could not be killed. Alas it lost. The cord had been cut at the fusebox presumably by one of the renovating guys, and our landlord had told Jordan he had no idea why and actually seemed pretty upset about it. I was still hungry though, and pasta was the only food I was keeping at the house. Cereal, milk and peanut butter were kept at the university, and that was pretty much what I was living off of (my financial situation was at an all time low, and theres a very interesting story to that. Another time, another place maybe). All we had was an electric frying pan.....

After about half an hour of trying to boil water in it the fuse went out. Everything in the kitchen downstairs (fridge, microwave and floor lamp) was getting power from 4 floors above at that one outlet, as well as the lamps in our hallway. It had been doing an admiral job, but just couldn’t hold out any longer. The only way we could coax it into working again was by unplugging the fridge and turning off all the lights, meaning our cell phone lights were back in use.

Jordan, laughing: “We better remember to plug the fridge back in when we are done!”

 “Haha yeah for sure.” 

We suddenly both stop laughing and look at each other as we realized the likelihood of us remembering to plug it back in was about 50/50 at best.

This whole process had taken about 20 minutes, during which the power went on and off several times. Meaning my water stayed at a nice lukewarm temperature throughout. About an hour after I had started it was finally boiling and ready. It was a very unusual experience, and not one that I ever thought I would have. Jordan made kraft dinner and sausages in there after, and we ate at around midnight while discussing how it would be possible to cook rice in an electric frying pan (For the record, we decided the only way without estimating or guessing would be to boil water in the electric frying pan and put a smaller pot with the appropriate amount of rice and water in it, and use the boiling water to heat the water in the pot and cook the rice).

Fast forward to Tuesday the 13th. Nothing interesting happens since Sunday, except for the fact that I woke up to the sound of renovators outside my window. There were two of them and they had a plain view of my entire room if they so wished. Good thing I had at least decided to wear boxers that night. But I digress, Tuesday morning! The moment you have all been waiting for, when the title actually finally makes sense.It is going to be incredibly anticlimactic, after all that waiting there is nothing I can do to make it live up to the hype.

 I go to have a shower and as I shower I notice something is a little weird with the ceiling, part of it is hanging down. I just figured I hadn’t noticed it before, and you can’t really blame me. I mean, in this house I get more surprised when I see a stretch of smooth wall or ceiling than when I see gaping holes and destroyedness. In the middle of vigorously scrubbing my armpit I hear a big bang and a few small bits of debris fall down. I assumed it was the renovators getting a little out of hand with a stick of dynamite or something, I mean, who knows what they actually do around here. A few minutes later I hear a much bigger and louder bang and the ceiling starts raining down on me. My first reaction was “Stupid renovators,” my 2nd was “Earthquake?” and my third was, “Maybe I can get some money back from my rent for this.....” I was lucky I had opened the window before my shower, because a huge section of ceiling had got caught on it and the shower pole, saving my head from a 50 pound piece of drywall. My main concern was that I had just turned the shower off and I had all this stuff in my hair now. I couldn’t turn the shower back on because the roof bits were in the way. Inconvenient to say the least. There were a couple of inches of drywall and other debris on the floor and bathtub but I found my clothes and got changed. I heard Jordan from his bedroom,

            “What happened?”
            “The ceiling attacked me.”
            “Come look through your hole into the bathroom and see.”

            Well we removed the big pieces, and then we left for the day. Jordan had cleaned up the rest (what a wonderful roommate) before I could get any pictures of it, but I have lots of other pictures here as well. Hopefully they can convey more than my words can. I re-read my descriptions of the house, and then look at the house, and fell very inadequate in my description ability. This house should win an award, there is the mysterious room connected to the kitchen, and the secret duct taped door room beyond that which I haven’t even talked about yet. Or the top floor which even I haven’t explored yet. Maybe another time.

Welcome to our home.

 Our cut stove wire....left with our electric pasta maker :)

The floor after cleanup....and one of many holes in the floor.

 The ceiling above the shower...the leftovers of what didn't fall on my head.

Holes between my and Jordan's rooms.

 My room...note the windows which also function as my front door.

Tuesday, September 13


So ya, we're still here! We just had an exciting summer. Some of our adventures took us away from our broom closest (aka computers) and basically, we got lazy.

Don't worry, we'll start up again. :)

And thanks to Ramona for her doodle to prove that we are alive now :)

Wednesday, June 22

Memory Monday : Imagination is a Powerful Thing

So dear readers, I am going to tell you a tale of my grand imagination. Only if you all use your imagination to pretend that it’s Monday...
    When I was a wee child, I think like 8 or 9, handmade bead geckos completely blew up. Everyone in my class was obsessed with them. In case you don’t know what they are:

    It was fun, cause you could make whatever colour and size you wanted, it was like playing God with beads.
    So, my friend and I took the joy of beaded geckos (that most children made for their parents as key chains) one step further. We created...GECKOLAND. Yup. Geckoland. It was exactly as cool as it sounds.
    Geckoland had many parts. There was an ocean with islands, a store, houses and an airplane hangar. I remember the ocean and hangar most vividly. We didn’t really do much with it I don’t think, other than just make it. We used any boxes we could find, felts, construction paper and all the other random crap we could find around the house. We made playdates specifically to work on Geckoland. It was a glorious time of my youth.
    Then one day we got bored and threw it all away.

Tuesday, June 14

Memory Monday: Remember '94?

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but we here at three broads in a broom closet live in the Vancouver Lower Mainland.  This has resulted in us being Canucks fans. Thats right. The Canucks who are playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs this week. 

Tonight, they lost. So now the series is 3 - 3. Which means a game seven. You think those players feel the pressure? We fans are dying of high blood pressure, and heart attacks. Seriously. Its gonna happen. But what is also gonna happen, is that the Canucks are gonna win the cup on wednesday. So thats all good. 

What this means though, is that it brings back memories of the last time the Canucks were in the finals...

It was back in '94. Against the Rangers. It went to game 7. I was 4. All that I can remember is that there was all of my family over at my house. I don't remember specifics about the game, probably because I didn't watch much of it. What I do remember about this day was that my dad had a electrical air horn he would set off whenever the Canucks scored. It was loud but pretty cool.

And then at some point all the parents were mad. The Canucks had lost. 

We kids were sent outside. I remember my cousins, friends, and myself throwing hockey sticks and safety cones at the ground in anger. 

And thats it. Thats all I remember. 

So all I can hope for the game Wednesday, is that we win. Or else some poor 4 year old girl will be confused by her angry parents and throw some hockey sticks at the ground for a pointless reason.

Monday, May 30

Memory Monday: Like a Boss

I apologize to all 5 million of our followers (HA HA HA) that we have sucked so bad the last few weeks...we don't really have an excuse either...not much has changed in our lives or anything.

Now on to the memory!

So Im quite surprised that I have not used this one yet. It comes up in my life quite frequently.

Once again, I am a older one to be exact. A video exists that took place when I was 4 or 5. My younger sister who was 2 or 3 at the time and I were playing in our backyard while my dad was working on a playhouse he had been building us. He had just installed two windows and we thought it was the best thing in the world. In the video, Jessa and I are going in and out of the playhouse and opening and closing the windows from the inside and outside. Jessa gave up early and began to play with her turtle wheelbarrow.
I was not having this.

Being the eldest child....and especially in front of a camera...I had to be on my game. I started ordering my sister to do a whole bunch of stupid stuff like collecting leaves and putting them on the floor of the playhouse and then taking them out again, washing the windows with puddle water or planting dandelions on our "porch".

I got bored pretty fast of that and then was set on taking the video camera from my mother and becoming a film maker. The next 5ish min of the video is a constant drone of me whining "I wanna take a picture of Jeee esssss aaaaa". Good times.

My siblings and parents love to throw this video in the VHS every once in the while to prove that my bossiness has been around since the dawn of time.

So yeah...we'll try to be more on the ball for posts. And we might have a Bro visit the closet (that sounds strange) of our pals is in town and he has requested to be a guest blogger.

Ta Ta

Monday, May 16

Memory Monday : Great Parenting

So due to the fact that I just realized that it’s Monday, this is going to be a really boring MM. Sorry.

     One Halloween while my mom and I were getting out all of our decorations she found this fake knife that had a blade that went into the handle. So like, if you put any pressure on it, it just went inside the handle rather than into your flesh.
     And she’s all “oh, what a nice moment, I’m spending time with my super awesome kid, how about I ruin it right now.” Convinced that stabbing herself was a good idea she stares at me with menacing eyes and slams the knife into her hand with startling force. Now, being about 5 or 6 years old, I did not know that this wasn’t a real knife. So I cried. A lot. And wouldn’t stop. Because my mother had practically just attempted suicide in front of me. What a jerk.
     I think one day, as revenge, I will invest in some of those fake needles and pretend I’m hooked on heroin. Suck on that.

Monday, May 9

Memory Monday: This One Time... At Pony Club Camp

So I def almost forgot about Memory bad.

Ya I said it. I was, have been and am still a member of Pony Club. Im on year 12 or something ridiculous. Its a kickass organization for peeps to learn how to take care of their beasts (horses), meet weirdos like myself and special access to a bunch of competitions. My friend Mike has a shit-fit every time Pony Club comes up as he knows I ride a horse, not a pony so things that I am cheating the system or something like that....but ya you don't even have to actually own a horse/pony to be in this dealio.


Like I said I totally forgot to prepare something so I realized I needed to pump something out quick and I was talking to one of my Pony Pals , Emily, so I decided to write something about Pony Club.

This might be one of those times where this is actually funnier to me than it will be to others as you had to be there...but ya I laugh like a crazy person every time I think about this. 

We were at a end of the season summer camp, it was midnightish and we were playing truth or dare. I was 14 or 15 I believe and I was one of the "older kids". One of the other kids was in the transition between one of the young kids and old kids so she was trying to prove herself. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this kid, who is now a lovely young lady, but we were total jerks to her.

We were camping next to a bunch of trees and on the other side of these trees was a big field, roughly the size of a football field. We had been playing capture the flag in said field during the day and had left one of the "flags" at the far end of the field. We dared young Katie to walk to the end of the field alone and retrieve the bag. Rebels right?. Well she left and a few seconds later we sent out two girls, Taco and Crazy Erin to scare her.

It turned out that Katie had cheated somewhat and had grabbed one of the solar powered lamps that were around the camp to provide a pathetic circle of light to comfort her on her trek. Taco and Crazy Erin saw the shining beacon and snuck ahead of her. Something like this...

Back at the tents, we were waiting quietly to hear Katie's reaction to her ambush. About 2 minutes into the whole operation, the most blood curdling scream I have heard to this day sounded out. 

I have never laughed so hard in my life. 

She eventually forgave us but I like to think it added to her character :)


Shoutout to a hilarious video Pony Pal Emily provided for my entertainment...its silly.

Happy Monday!

Friday, May 6

How To Thursday : How to Quit 'How To Thursday'

Okay my friends. I come bearing simply terrible news. I know Thursdays must have been the highlight of your week for the last while, with our scheduled posting of greatness. But alas, we must give up on the weekly structure of HTT. It's become too frightening of a task to face.

Now, we will still post How Tos, just not every single Thursday ever. Hopefully less of a strict outline for ourselves will promote random blogging about our super exciting, everyday lives.

So I am sorry, but How To Thursday is no more...for now.

 I assume this was your reaction to the news.

Monday, May 2

Memory Monday: Fear of Trees

This Sunday Vancouver experienced some really nice weather, so a group of us and Casey's family made a trip down to White Rock beach for some fish and chips from Moby Dicks, and sunshine.

What occurs here is my train of thought:

Memory Monday topic... --> yesterday? --> White Rock beach --> the actual white rock --> kids getting stuck on the rock --> did I ever get stuck on the rock? --> No. But I did get stuck in that tree.... = a memory topic!

There is a park by my house which has an outdoor, public pool which is open in the summer. This pool is surrounded by trees, a big grass lawn, and used to have an AWESOME playground (it was a castle) that has now been replaced by a less exciting playground. (Not like I would still play on a playground...). But back in the day, it was the place to be on a hot sunny day, or even a rainy one. 

I am unsure how old I was when the "tree incident" occurred, but I think I was around 8.

My mom had brought us down to the pool to meet our friend and her mom. After swimming we thought it would be really cool to climb the trees which surrounded the park. We chose a tree with the most space available for the three of us to fit in. My sister, Lesia, friend, Cristina, and I easily got ourselves into the tree by boosting each other up, then pulling up the others; all very daring and risky.

Once we got into the tree it was great. We could move around the whole thing on the branches, could climb higher, and hang off the branches. 

But after a very exciting 5 minutes, we were bored and it was time to climb down. After Lesia and Cristina had jumped down, I decided that I was not ready to make the leap. My mom told me she would catch me. Cristina's mom said she would catch me. But I wouldn't believe either of them. I then expressed that "I wanted a dad to catch me". Any dad. Not even my dad. Just any grown man who appeared stronger than the 5-foot, 2-inch mothers in front of me. They told me that there were no fathers around to spare their strength and height (something I still don't believe).

I spent more time being afraid of getting out of the tree, than I did playing in it. Kinda sad I know, but it was a learning experience. In the end, I told my mom to move and I jumped down by myself and lived to tell the tale.

True Story.

Thursday, April 28

How To Thursday: How Survive Traffic II

Ok so I realized yesterday that there is a flaw in my first post on traffic.

I was caught in the most ridiculous traffic of my life yesterday and it was absolutely pouring rain. I was texting Kyla...yes illegal I know but the highway was a parking lot, so I wouldn't call it texting and driving...and she suggested I play a few of my traffic games. I was heartbroken when I realized that it was raining so hard I could not see any people in the other cars to entertain myself with. I did play the license plate game for a minute, but it gets really lame when the cars are not moving at all so you are staring at the same car for a million years.

So moral of the story, I made up two new traffic games for the rain.

Now I realize these are dangerous but are to be implemented in parking lot traffic.

1) Connect the Raindrops.
If you have a good imagination, you can do it in your mind but my car is well equipped and I used window writers to draw stuff on my window:) I don't have any pictures because my car fogged up and the drawings bled really fast. But here is an example.

A unicorn with laminitis!

2) Catch the Beat
This involves turning your windshield wipers on and off to match up to the beat of whatever song you are listening too. It usually only matches up for a few seconds but it gives you the sense of accomplishment.


Monday, April 25

Memory Monday : Water Skiing

This is going to somewhat be a how-to, because you are going to learn some valuable lessons from this story.

When I was six, one lovely, sun filled summer, I was staying at my family’s cabin. We had some sweet connections to some people with a boat, tubes and water skis. Now, by age six I had mastered the art of sitting in a tube and gliding across the water. I had not yet tried skiing. It couldn’t be that hard though really, you just stand and the boat pulls you.

So I mustered up the courage to go for it. Everyone around me were practically water skiing geniuses, so I took their advice to heart and prepared myself for greatness. Some of their tips were : “bend your knees a little”, “HOLD ON TIGHT”, “lean back when the boat starts going” and also, “HOLD ON TIGHT”. My tiny brain really held onto the whole hold on tight thing.

And so there I was, standing in the water. With gigantic slabs stuck to my feet. Holding onto a bar that connected me to a death machine. I was not excited anymore. But before I knew it, the boat roared to a start, and I was off the the races. I began like an all star, for about 8 seconds. Then I fell. And I held on tight. And I kept holding on tight. Because I was good at following directions. No one had told me to let go if I fell, so I didn’t. (Now is a good time to mention that you shouldn’t allow anyone to film your first experience with something like water skiing.) I assure you, it wasn’t painful, it was kind of fun, and I don’t remember if I let go by choice, or if the handle thing was yanked from my hands by some mystical water force. When I returned ashore, everyone commended me for my valiant attempt to master the lake, but it wasn’t enough to convince me to get back on those god-forsaken skis.

I never tried water skiing again.

Thursday, April 21

How to Thursday : Banana Bread?

A year ago, I was making banana bread on a weekly basis. I baked all through the summer. Good times. School has been crazy so the last time I made something was Christmas (maybe even longer). So with a sunny day today, I feel like I can pull out a recipe for HTT.

I feel like my HTT's haven't been very valuable. Like they can't be applied to all practical days in life. But I feel that banana bread is a very practical thing to learn. 

(okay. okay. Its a recipe, its not an ACTUAL how-to. I get that. But who doesn't want an awesome banana bread recipe? Thats what I thought)

So. You will need:

3 1/2 cups Flour
1 1/2 cups Sugar
2 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Cinnamon

2/3 cup Melted Margarine
1 cup Mashed Bananas
1 1/2 cup Milk
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
2 tsp Vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 
[I've only done this in a convection oven. If you are gonna just do Bake then....have fun? same thing? Just watch it a bit more than I tell you]

1) Sift/mix/combine the dry ingredients into a large bowl.

2) Mix/blend/combine the wet ingredients into a second bowl.

3) Pour the wet ingredients into dry in one go. Mix until all is blended together, but try not to over mix. Also, do this all by hand. Its a work out, and I think it tastes better. 

4) Grease bread pans (makes 2) or put the papers cups in muffin pans (makes 24 cupcake sized). Pour in batter. 

5) Put in oven. 
    For loafs, its pretty much 50 minutes exactly, and muffins, I'd say 15-20. 

6) Take them out, let them cool and enjoy.

Happy Thursday

Tuesday, April 19


Ok so I know you heard from me yesterday, but today has just been so crazy I thought I would share.

So first, I was too lazy to make myself lunch this morning so I was all "Oooh I still have money on my Subway gift card" Problem solved.


I'm a moron and left my purse at Brittny's last bad. So Im feeling all badass driving to work without a license and everything but now I have no lunch and no money. 

I get to work and everything is all good. While the kids are at recess I go back to my car to scrounge around for food. For those of you who know me, my car is always a mess and the chance of something edible being in there is super high. But of course I cleaned my car last weekend and took out the unopened bag of tortilla chips that had been in the back seat "in case of emergencies" all semester long. I did, however find a twoonie!!!! So I walked to the 711 down the street and got instant noodles...crisis averted.

So then I'm helping supervise the grade ones while they eat their lunch and this kid, Louis- (not his real name but its close) is being a little punk and every time I tell him to sit down he says "NO". So his teacher comes over and gives him the whole "respect your teachers" lecture and makes him apologize. Louis is kinda a trouble maker and he is often getting talked to but I had never seen her jump on him this quickly, so this was a new tactic. Once he said sorry and sat down she smiled and said to me that she is not putting up with his crap anymore and that it is "hammer-time" for Louis. I started to laugh when lil Louis piped up "Can't touch this". Yup. Amazing.

THEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN some little jerk in grade three stole one of my favourite teacher's iphone when they were in gym class. Draaaamaaa.
Luckily she had some app that lets her go online, lock down her phone and then is able to see its location. Turns out whoever took it tossed it under the dumpster. Good times.

So ya, exciting day so far...and its only 2:15!!! 

Oh and by the way, the reason I wanted to share is cause me scrounging around my car reminded me of the good ole days where my middle sis, Jessa, skated and me and my youngest sister had to sit at the arena. They had a concession stand and my mother would always claim that she "had no money" so we would go and scrounge for coins and would sometimes be able to afford a pretzel or 5 cent I alone in this activity?

Good day.

Monday, April 18

Memory Monday: Sticky Witchy

I can't remember exactly how I remembered this, but it came up in discussion a few weeks ago. I am sure it is becoming more evident just how weird I am, and this is another example of just how odd I was *cough* am.

So my younger sisters and I were addicted to playing outside like any good kid was. None of this Xboxnintendostayindoorsalldayandsuckatlife shiznat. We played weeeird games like holding snail races, follow the ant, golf cart tag- we had rich neighbours.... But the most fun was Sticky Witchy.

We have a very useful front yard with a round-about-driveway with trees and bushes around it.


So two of us would do around and around the drive way as fast as we could. The trick was to get past Sticky Witchy.

Sticky Witchy was a clever one, usually played by my youngest sister, Sophie. She would hold a large stick and hide in one of the bushes and would randomly jump out and try to make us fall off our bikes.

Sticky Witchy wasn't allowed to touch us with her hands, just the stick...clever name eh?  The most popular way off accomplishing this was to jam the stick into the spokes of our bikes. I truly do not remember any bikes being harmed in this process, although we certainly were.

Its amazing that neither of us never broke any bones or such over this adventure. I have a few scars that I reminisce over but really that was the worst of it.

Cheers to weirdness! Hip hip!

Thursday, April 14

How To Thursday : How To Anger the Bank Lady

    Now it is my turn to talk about my lovely job, as a bank teller. I actually really like it a lot,  it’s an easy job, I work with cool people, and I get paid too much. But every once in a while, my patience is tested.
     This is kind of a backwards How To, because you should not do any of the things I’m going to describe, but if you are a truly horrible person feel free to use this knowledge for evil.

     If you refrain from doing these things, your teller will probably harbor no ill will towards you. And you don’t want them to hate you. They have access to your bank account.

Step One
     Walking up to the teller before they say hi/nod/look at you/are even at their wicket.
     When I walk away from my wicket, that is NOT an invitation to come up and wait for me. I feel obligated to come and help you, but in most cases, I left for a reason. Even in the instance I just walked away to get rid of some money from the last person, I would prefer to come back to an empty area, so I can organize myself for your transaction.
     Equally awful, is when people come up to me when I’m clearly focused and working on something to do with the last person. If your teller is looking down, and is very obviously writing, or is looking at their computer screen and clicking the mouse, do NOT walk up to them! What they are doing on their computer is likely not your business, and probably has something to do with someone else’s finances.

     So just don’t. Wait for them to at the very least make eye contact with you. Please.

Step Two
     Saying everything you need to do to your teller in one sentence. Before they even have your account number.
    Once you’ve been given the cue to walk up to your teller, the next thing that will make them unhappy with you is you saying “So yeah, I need to deposit this cheque and take out $18.76 in cash and I want some American money like $200 and then can you look at my last 12 transactions I don’t remember if I paid my dues to the Life Ruiners Society yet and then pay $127.14 to my visa bill oh and then I want you to go to my other account and tell me all the balances from there.”

    No one is going to remember all that crap you just spewed. I personally catch the first or last thing said. Maybe something in the middle if I got lucky and it was something simple. We tellers aren’t stupid, but we are probably similar in brain capacity to you. You remember the 47 things you have to do because they are important to you. I don’t care, I just have to press the buttons on the machine to make it happen, and as soon as you leave, I do not remember what you just did. So at the very least, tell them your account number, give them your card or ID, whatever. Just let them have a place where they can try and follow along with your nonsense.

Step Three
     Getting upset about the wait.
     In a way, I do feel bad for everyone waiting in the line. But when someone comes up and says something about us being understaffed, not having enough wickets open, or people standing around not helping customers, I lose all sympathy.
     If we’re understaffed, it’s not a choice. We tried hard to get the people we have at all. Just think, your choices are either one person not there, or that person there coughing and hacking all over your money. You’d still be choked.
     Not enough wickets open? Do you see extra people just like, lying on the floor or something? No. This ties in with people “standing around”, anyone not helping you is doing something else important. Just be quiet. Nobody wants to help you, but we have to. Just be glad we’re being paid to have to help you, because we wouldn’t otherwise.

     Now, believe me, there are a ton of other ways to make your teller angry, but these are the most common. I have unique issues everyday, so just try to be a decent person, and take your time. There’s not a ton of urgency in banking.

BONUS : Ways to Make the Bank Lady Happy
-Write silly things in the memo line on cheques (an actual cheque we recently got was memo’d “for butt plugs and dildos”)
-Talk to us like the humans we are. Friendly conversation is allowed. Welcomed even.
-Bring us gifts! We got some really good cookies this week. You’re in the clear no matter what you do when you bring us things.