Wednesday, June 22

Memory Monday : Imagination is a Powerful Thing

So dear readers, I am going to tell you a tale of my grand imagination. Only if you all use your imagination to pretend that it’s Monday...
    When I was a wee child, I think like 8 or 9, handmade bead geckos completely blew up. Everyone in my class was obsessed with them. In case you don’t know what they are:

    It was fun, cause you could make whatever colour and size you wanted, it was like playing God with beads.
    So, my friend and I took the joy of beaded geckos (that most children made for their parents as key chains) one step further. We created...GECKOLAND. Yup. Geckoland. It was exactly as cool as it sounds.
    Geckoland had many parts. There was an ocean with islands, a store, houses and an airplane hangar. I remember the ocean and hangar most vividly. We didn’t really do much with it I don’t think, other than just make it. We used any boxes we could find, felts, construction paper and all the other random crap we could find around the house. We made playdates specifically to work on Geckoland. It was a glorious time of my youth.
    Then one day we got bored and threw it all away.

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