Monday, May 2

Memory Monday: Fear of Trees

This Sunday Vancouver experienced some really nice weather, so a group of us and Casey's family made a trip down to White Rock beach for some fish and chips from Moby Dicks, and sunshine.

What occurs here is my train of thought:

Memory Monday topic... --> yesterday? --> White Rock beach --> the actual white rock --> kids getting stuck on the rock --> did I ever get stuck on the rock? --> No. But I did get stuck in that tree.... = a memory topic!

There is a park by my house which has an outdoor, public pool which is open in the summer. This pool is surrounded by trees, a big grass lawn, and used to have an AWESOME playground (it was a castle) that has now been replaced by a less exciting playground. (Not like I would still play on a playground...). But back in the day, it was the place to be on a hot sunny day, or even a rainy one. 

I am unsure how old I was when the "tree incident" occurred, but I think I was around 8.

My mom had brought us down to the pool to meet our friend and her mom. After swimming we thought it would be really cool to climb the trees which surrounded the park. We chose a tree with the most space available for the three of us to fit in. My sister, Lesia, friend, Cristina, and I easily got ourselves into the tree by boosting each other up, then pulling up the others; all very daring and risky.

Once we got into the tree it was great. We could move around the whole thing on the branches, could climb higher, and hang off the branches. 

But after a very exciting 5 minutes, we were bored and it was time to climb down. After Lesia and Cristina had jumped down, I decided that I was not ready to make the leap. My mom told me she would catch me. Cristina's mom said she would catch me. But I wouldn't believe either of them. I then expressed that "I wanted a dad to catch me". Any dad. Not even my dad. Just any grown man who appeared stronger than the 5-foot, 2-inch mothers in front of me. They told me that there were no fathers around to spare their strength and height (something I still don't believe).

I spent more time being afraid of getting out of the tree, than I did playing in it. Kinda sad I know, but it was a learning experience. In the end, I told my mom to move and I jumped down by myself and lived to tell the tale.

True Story.

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