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How We Came To Be

     Kyla and I went to high school together. We were on the basketball team together, her actually playing, me pretending to be a “cool sports person”. One day we were in the gym waiting for our rides to go to a game or something and the people in the gym were listening to music and Gold Digger came on and Kyla started rapping to it. We hadn’t really ever said much to each other before this was she was a year older, well technically is a year older. I started laughing cause it was so random but awesome and since then we’ve been tight.
     Brittny and I met at the worst job in the world. We were customer representatives at a place of business that sold and rented movies (I really shouldn’t say the name but it rhymes with Mockfluster.) Our having to deal with awful customers all day and weirdo work associates grew a very shmexcellent friendship. We both were promoted which made us feel like big kids but caused us to hate people way more. More than likely, we will reminisce on the crazy things we have had to put up with.

     I first met Casey back in 2006, when I was on a high school basketball team and she was the team manger. We didn’t say much to each other until one day before leaving for a game, we were sitting together in the gym, watching PE classes take place. The classes were in the “Dance” unit and one group was dancing to Kayne West’s then-popular-now-still-awesome “Gold Digger”. I, being the socially awkward person I become when I hear a rap song I know, began to rap along. A good 6 lines into my “performance” I see that this girl beside me is looking at me, not with the usual “why so weird look”, but smiling and laughing. It was magic from there on.
     Brittny dropped into my life a few years later. Casey was constantly telling me stories about how this girl at her (then) work was pretty awesome, loved all things unicorn, knew everything there is to know about movies, and had great taste in music. I decided to give her a chance. Brittny finally showed her face when we went bowling one night. She stated off the bat that she wasn’t a fan of bowling and that she was “terrible” at it. (She did fine. Don’t believe anything she’ll say about it). I learnt very quickly that Brittny doesn’t understand sarcasm, but I worked around it. Wooing me with her witty comments and inventive way of describing unpleasant events, I decided that Brittny was a keeper.

     It all began one blustery November day, I was working at “Mockfluster”, had been for about 4 months at that point, when the lovely Lady Casey was hired. On her very first day, she got to help me organize a display. It was dumb, and I hated it, but Casey made it more fun. We made it look real sweet. We both got promoted to shift lead, WHOA, but I got promoted first, suckaaaa. I didn’t like being her superior, except when I got to say insubordination to her. Now, between November when we met and mid-February Casey would not leave me alone about meeting her friends. I did not want to meet her friends. They scared me.
     I eventually went out bowling with them one night where I met Kyla! Boy what a night it was. She invited me to a party at her house and I was so very excited, because these people actually wanted to have me around again. Kyla and I share a mutual love of good music, which is quite delightful. And that’s the not so interesting story of how I made friends.