Tuesday, April 19


Ok so I know you heard from me yesterday, but today has just been so crazy I thought I would share.

So first, I was too lazy to make myself lunch this morning so I was all "Oooh I still have money on my Subway gift card" Problem solved.


I'm a moron and left my purse at Brittny's last night...my bad. So Im feeling all badass driving to work without a license and everything but now I have no lunch and no money. 

I get to work and everything is all good. While the kids are at recess I go back to my car to scrounge around for food. For those of you who know me, my car is always a mess and the chance of something edible being in there is super high. But of course I cleaned my car last weekend and took out the unopened bag of tortilla chips that had been in the back seat "in case of emergencies" all semester long. I did, however find a twoonie!!!! So I walked to the 711 down the street and got instant noodles...crisis averted.

So then I'm helping supervise the grade ones while they eat their lunch and this kid, Louis- (not his real name but its close) is being a little punk and every time I tell him to sit down he says "NO". So his teacher comes over and gives him the whole "respect your teachers" lecture and makes him apologize. Louis is kinda a trouble maker and he is often getting talked to but I had never seen her jump on him this quickly, so this was a new tactic. Once he said sorry and sat down she smiled and said to me that she is not putting up with his crap anymore and that it is "hammer-time" for Louis. I started to laugh when lil Louis piped up "Can't touch this". Yup. Amazing.

THEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNN some little jerk in grade three stole one of my favourite teacher's iphone when they were in gym class. Draaaamaaa.
Luckily she had some app that lets her go online, lock down her phone and then is able to see its location. Turns out whoever took it tossed it under the dumpster. Good times.

So ya, exciting day so far...and its only 2:15!!! 

Oh and by the way, the reason I wanted to share is cause me scrounging around my car reminded me of the good ole days where my middle sis, Jessa, skated and me and my youngest sister had to sit at the arena. They had a concession stand and my mother would always claim that she "had no money" so we would go and scrounge for coins and would sometimes be able to afford a pretzel or 5 cent candies....am I alone in this activity?

Good day.

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