Monday, May 30

Memory Monday: Like a Boss

I apologize to all 5 million of our followers (HA HA HA) that we have sucked so bad the last few weeks...we don't really have an excuse either...not much has changed in our lives or anything.

Now on to the memory!

So Im quite surprised that I have not used this one yet. It comes up in my life quite frequently.

Once again, I am a older one to be exact. A video exists that took place when I was 4 or 5. My younger sister who was 2 or 3 at the time and I were playing in our backyard while my dad was working on a playhouse he had been building us. He had just installed two windows and we thought it was the best thing in the world. In the video, Jessa and I are going in and out of the playhouse and opening and closing the windows from the inside and outside. Jessa gave up early and began to play with her turtle wheelbarrow.
I was not having this.

Being the eldest child....and especially in front of a camera...I had to be on my game. I started ordering my sister to do a whole bunch of stupid stuff like collecting leaves and putting them on the floor of the playhouse and then taking them out again, washing the windows with puddle water or planting dandelions on our "porch".

I got bored pretty fast of that and then was set on taking the video camera from my mother and becoming a film maker. The next 5ish min of the video is a constant drone of me whining "I wanna take a picture of Jeee esssss aaaaa". Good times.

My siblings and parents love to throw this video in the VHS every once in the while to prove that my bossiness has been around since the dawn of time.

So yeah...we'll try to be more on the ball for posts. And we might have a Bro visit the closet (that sounds strange) of our pals is in town and he has requested to be a guest blogger.

Ta Ta

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