Monday, April 18

Memory Monday: Sticky Witchy

I can't remember exactly how I remembered this, but it came up in discussion a few weeks ago. I am sure it is becoming more evident just how weird I am, and this is another example of just how odd I was *cough* am.

So my younger sisters and I were addicted to playing outside like any good kid was. None of this Xboxnintendostayindoorsalldayandsuckatlife shiznat. We played weeeird games like holding snail races, follow the ant, golf cart tag- we had rich neighbours.... But the most fun was Sticky Witchy.

We have a very useful front yard with a round-about-driveway with trees and bushes around it.


So two of us would do around and around the drive way as fast as we could. The trick was to get past Sticky Witchy.

Sticky Witchy was a clever one, usually played by my youngest sister, Sophie. She would hold a large stick and hide in one of the bushes and would randomly jump out and try to make us fall off our bikes.

Sticky Witchy wasn't allowed to touch us with her hands, just the stick...clever name eh?  The most popular way off accomplishing this was to jam the stick into the spokes of our bikes. I truly do not remember any bikes being harmed in this process, although we certainly were.

Its amazing that neither of us never broke any bones or such over this adventure. I have a few scars that I reminisce over but really that was the worst of it.

Cheers to weirdness! Hip hip!

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