Tuesday, June 14

Memory Monday: Remember '94?

I don't know if this has been mentioned, but we here at three broads in a broom closet live in the Vancouver Lower Mainland.  This has resulted in us being Canucks fans. Thats right. The Canucks who are playing in the Stanley Cup playoffs this week. 

Tonight, they lost. So now the series is 3 - 3. Which means a game seven. You think those players feel the pressure? We fans are dying of high blood pressure, and heart attacks. Seriously. Its gonna happen. But what is also gonna happen, is that the Canucks are gonna win the cup on wednesday. So thats all good. 

What this means though, is that it brings back memories of the last time the Canucks were in the finals...

It was back in '94. Against the Rangers. It went to game 7. I was 4. All that I can remember is that there was all of my family over at my house. I don't remember specifics about the game, probably because I didn't watch much of it. What I do remember about this day was that my dad had a electrical air horn he would set off whenever the Canucks scored. It was loud but pretty cool.

And then at some point all the parents were mad. The Canucks had lost. 

We kids were sent outside. I remember my cousins, friends, and myself throwing hockey sticks and safety cones at the ground in anger. 

And thats it. Thats all I remember. 

So all I can hope for the game Wednesday, is that we win. Or else some poor 4 year old girl will be confused by her angry parents and throw some hockey sticks at the ground for a pointless reason.

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