Thursday, March 24

How To Thursday : How to Draw

     By this point you have already seen my beautiful illustration of Casey and all the things hating her and her room. Today I will grace you with the knowledge of how to create your very own drawings that could have been done by your extremely dumb 6 year old sister. Who knows, maybe your mom will even put it on the fridge when you show her. It’s all about effort here, not quality.

Step One
     First, you need to decide what you’re going to draw. This is the toughest part, because you have so many options. You could just pick some things you like, or try to recreate something really pretty you saw (it never works...), or do what I just tried and google “what should I draw?”. It didn’t really work out for me, as this is the best result I got: “Draw a picture of a mime playing checkers with a dog wearing glasses and a suit, while sitting on top of a surfacing whale, as it rains rubber chickens with bow ties.” And that is just way too much for me to handle. So instead I’m going to go with the draw things you like plan. I like unicorns, mustaches, stick people, and simple settings. I feel confident enough in myself to put all of them together into one super picture!

So here we have my simple setting. Grass, sky, clouds. Look at me go!

Step Two
Now you get to add some more exciting elements. I will begin with the unicorn.

Goodness me, look at that unicorn. Such a lack of skill, it’s charming.

Step Three
I feel the need to add some delightful stick people for the unicorn to interact with. Stick people are the greatest because they take almost no time and they don’t ever really look all that good, so you always win.

Ta daaaa, what a sight. Two totally normal stick people. But there isn’t anything special about them, and I still haven’t added the mustache(s) yet.

Step Four
Here we get to put some flair, and personality into the picture. Because, let’s get serious, anyone could have drawn this. You can add as many or as few mustaches as you care to (this can also apply to your favourite things, like petunias, rocking chairs or disco balls).

Would you look at that...everyone has a mustache. How glorious.

Now you know how to create a beautiful, original drawing that could have been done by your idiot little sister. You’re welcome.

1 comment:

  1. hahahhahah! I loove it! I wish I had such talent! maybe I will make an entire drawing of mustaches.. hmmmm.
