Thursday, April 28

How To Thursday: How Survive Traffic II

Ok so I realized yesterday that there is a flaw in my first post on traffic.

I was caught in the most ridiculous traffic of my life yesterday and it was absolutely pouring rain. I was texting Kyla...yes illegal I know but the highway was a parking lot, so I wouldn't call it texting and driving...and she suggested I play a few of my traffic games. I was heartbroken when I realized that it was raining so hard I could not see any people in the other cars to entertain myself with. I did play the license plate game for a minute, but it gets really lame when the cars are not moving at all so you are staring at the same car for a million years.

So moral of the story, I made up two new traffic games for the rain.

Now I realize these are dangerous but are to be implemented in parking lot traffic.

1) Connect the Raindrops.
If you have a good imagination, you can do it in your mind but my car is well equipped and I used window writers to draw stuff on my window:) I don't have any pictures because my car fogged up and the drawings bled really fast. But here is an example.

A unicorn with laminitis!

2) Catch the Beat
This involves turning your windshield wipers on and off to match up to the beat of whatever song you are listening too. It usually only matches up for a few seconds but it gives you the sense of accomplishment.


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