Monday, May 9

Memory Monday: This One Time... At Pony Club Camp

So I def almost forgot about Memory bad.

Ya I said it. I was, have been and am still a member of Pony Club. Im on year 12 or something ridiculous. Its a kickass organization for peeps to learn how to take care of their beasts (horses), meet weirdos like myself and special access to a bunch of competitions. My friend Mike has a shit-fit every time Pony Club comes up as he knows I ride a horse, not a pony so things that I am cheating the system or something like that....but ya you don't even have to actually own a horse/pony to be in this dealio.


Like I said I totally forgot to prepare something so I realized I needed to pump something out quick and I was talking to one of my Pony Pals , Emily, so I decided to write something about Pony Club.

This might be one of those times where this is actually funnier to me than it will be to others as you had to be there...but ya I laugh like a crazy person every time I think about this. 

We were at a end of the season summer camp, it was midnightish and we were playing truth or dare. I was 14 or 15 I believe and I was one of the "older kids". One of the other kids was in the transition between one of the young kids and old kids so she was trying to prove herself. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this kid, who is now a lovely young lady, but we were total jerks to her.

We were camping next to a bunch of trees and on the other side of these trees was a big field, roughly the size of a football field. We had been playing capture the flag in said field during the day and had left one of the "flags" at the far end of the field. We dared young Katie to walk to the end of the field alone and retrieve the bag. Rebels right?. Well she left and a few seconds later we sent out two girls, Taco and Crazy Erin to scare her.

It turned out that Katie had cheated somewhat and had grabbed one of the solar powered lamps that were around the camp to provide a pathetic circle of light to comfort her on her trek. Taco and Crazy Erin saw the shining beacon and snuck ahead of her. Something like this...

Back at the tents, we were waiting quietly to hear Katie's reaction to her ambush. About 2 minutes into the whole operation, the most blood curdling scream I have heard to this day sounded out. 

I have never laughed so hard in my life. 

She eventually forgave us but I like to think it added to her character :)


Shoutout to a hilarious video Pony Pal Emily provided for my entertainment...its silly.

Happy Monday!

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