Thursday, August 2

Hey, Avril Lavigne, I Have a Problem with You : A Rant

Hey, Avril Lavigne. 
You seem like a nice gal. You really do. You have long hair, which is cool. And I’m really happy for you for moving past your Sk8er Boi phase. But Avril, we’ve got some things to work through. 
We had a really nice relationship when I was about ten, I liked your songs, you were really edgy with your tie, and I even went so far as to go to one of your concerts. We parted ways when I started to enjoy...other music. Recently, we’ve been reintroduced, and it’s pretty tumultuous. 
My co-worker, who is a lovely person, really, really, really loves you. So much so, that I’ve heard a concert you played in Japan on a loop for almost three whole working days.  (I did have a brief respite when I had the joy of listening to a live John Mayer CD on repeat for about three hours today.) It’s been about 17ish hours total, I think. Time starts to get fuzzy after a couple hours of it.
So Avril, please contact YouTube to remove that concert for copyright stuff or something. Please.
I don’t even know what else to say, I just don’t know how to work through these feelings in a rational way.

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