Monday, April 4

Memory Monday : Chalk Trickery

     Now as a child, I was no Kyla, I wasn’t one for shoving things in my nose, or putting myself in harm’s way in general. I used to love, I mean l-o-v-e sidewalk chalk. I don’t know how much time I spent doing crap drawings all over the ground, which were no doubt very clever. 
     When I got a little older, my friend and I discovered how to make really badass mud cakes (no, not mud pies, those are childish). We made them look pretty fantastic. We made frosting, out of powdered chalk and water. We were soon inspired to mash up white chalk, mix it with water and call it “whipped cream”. Boy did we think we were smart. Using our wits to trick those around us, we went around the culdesac, telling all the townspeople that it was delicious, fresh whipped cream (with dirt and rocks in it). I remember being asked why our moms gave us a handful of whipped cream, and I do not know what our answer was. I still don’t know how one could answer that. 
     One of our neighbours came around when we were still making out faux whipped cream, and we demanded she eat some. No dice. But, she did say “maybe later”, which to us meant “absolutely!”. This caused us to cackle madly over how clever we were. No doubt, shattering any faith the neighbour had in us. Oops. She never did come back and eat it.

And happy first post of April! :)

1 comment:

  1. hahahha! Brilliant as always! I would have thought I was clever too. I used to put my cat in blankets and walk around telling people it was my baby cousin. My neighbors would say, ooh how nice for you, which meant they believed us, so I would chuckle to myself! :)
