Thursday, March 31

How to Name Random People

As mentioned before, Casey and I are in the same english class, but we are also a history class together. Both of these fall on Mondays so we spend all monday together (11:30am to 9:10pm). Having the classes together, we end up talking about the people in the classes a lot. But we faced a problem when we don't know the people in the classes names.

We came up with a solution to this, and it is to name the people ourselves. Some are creative. Some are not. Either way I'm gonna explain how we choose the names of people. 

Formally known a McGiggles, now known as Chops, he is a guy who sits two rows in front of us. His original name was chosen as he chooses to laugh at the most un-funny things. Also randomly. And I know we can't bash a guy for being happy, but he also chooses to NOT laugh at things which are actually funny. Odd. 

This is the first way of naming someone. You can take a personalty trait of theirs and apply it to their name. This process worked for Glasses as well. Glasses if a prime example of this type of naming. Known by her friends and family as Grace, we name her Glasses because she feels the need to constantly adjust her glasses. It occurs when she talks, when she is taking notes, or when she references her french class

We then changed McGiggles' name to Chops when he arrived one class with the makings of 'chops' growing on his face. He didn't even have sideburns before; he just jumped right into the facial hair spectrum. I would share a picture of them because the next class Casey and I did try (Boy did we try), but we didn't succeed. So here is an approximate picture of what his look like. 

Now, for Chops, we took a physical feature of his, and used it for his name. This is a second way of naming someone. This type of naming followed for people in our class such a "Guy-With-the-Hat, Right-Side-of-the-Room, Front" (we actually know his name, its Ryan), and "rude bald guy". 

We then have a third way of naming someone and that is by nick names. This is a recent additive to Casey and my name vocabulary, and originated by our classmate Paul. One day when Dean was missing from class, Paul mentioned something about Deaner. That name has now stuck.

Creativity is encouraged when naming random people. Try to avoid being mean, but ironic is sometimes accepted. Often the obvious names are the funniest, so don't be afraid to go simple. Its a crazy world out there, filled with many Stephanies, Jennifers, and Marks, so distinguish between them all with creative names that you can actually remember. :)

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