Thursday, April 7

How To Thursday: How to Befriend 6-Year-Olds

So I haven't had a chance to talk about my work yet. As it says in our intro, I work in a school; specifically with special needs kids. But I do get moved around a lot.

I consider it a good day when I get assigned to kindergarten. Those lil tykes are absolutely hilarious. The problem is, they are also sort of you definitely want to be on their good side. Here is a simple list of simple tricks to entertain and ensure your safety.

  1. Tell them you are a ninja.

This may seem like a copout to a classic but if you make it believable it wins them over. I had to resort to this one during a particularly  crazy craft session. The trick is to teach your mini ninjas that they can only be part of your flipout (yup that's right, a group of ninjas is a flipout...crazy right?) if they keep the ninja code of silence and not tell anyone else of their skills. This will result in a lot of whispering and random HIIIIIIEEE YAAAs in the hallway when you approach. Its pretty epic.

  1. When they ask your age, tell them you are 407.

Everyone answers 100. Not so impressive anymore. Saying 400 isn't that believable whereas 407 creates questions like "What did you do on your 406th birthday?" Or "You've seen dinosaurs right?". Ya that one is fun.

  1. If they are reluctant to pack their things in their backpacks and lineup...pretend to steal their stuff, put it on and stand in their line-up.

For some reason they find this absolutely hilarious. I'm  just waiting for them to not pay attention so I can actually steal their backpacks...there are some pretty awesome ones out there.

So here are the basics

...happy kid-manipulating! :)

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