Thursday, March 17

How To Thursday: How to Survive Traffic

So I have a horrible commute to my place of work, an average of an hour and forty five minutes.  It involves me waking up at a ridiculous hour and then driving half asleep through tedious stop and go traffic.

The way home is worse believe it or not. After entertaining children all day, my patience is usually worn thin and I daydream. 

When I first started this silly job (I actually love it), I used to get super pissed off when I would graciously allow someone the honour of merging in front of me and they would not wave thank you or anything. And I mean pissed off. I eventually got over it but I did turn it into a game which inspired this How To Thursday.

How to Survive Traffic
Now most of these are actually games, so I guess this is really how to turn traffic into a game...meh.

  1. Count how many people wave at you for your awesome kindness of sharing your lane.
    • Adaptation: Swear creatively every time someone does not wave.

  1. People watch. There are many different ways to people watch.

2.1 Try and guess their occupation:

Obviously this guy is a hat model...duh.

Workaholic, he takes his work home with him.

2.2 Guess what they are thinking.

"Uhhh huh. Dis mah car. Jealous Barbie?"

2.3 When you notice your road mates are singing along to some music, try and find what radio station they are on. You epically fail if you realise they're listening to an ipod.

2.4 When you see someone diggin' for gold, make outrageous faces at them...


Adaptation: YOU pretend to pick your nose when you know people are watching, see what kind of faces you get back at you....maybe they're playin the game too :)

  1. Lookin for shapes in the clouds. Oldie but a Goodie....also slightly dangerous when driving :)

A dog!

And finally....

  1. Make rude acronyms out of license plates:

"150 menstruating bitchy vultures"....that sucks

Happy Leprechaun Day!

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