Friday, March 11

Apology Friday

So this is it. The first one. I hoped it would not be me, but it is. So here we go...
To Whom It May Concern, 
I would like to begin that there are no excuses for tartiness. Tartiness or absentee-ness indicates a lack of planning ahead or worse, that there is a lack of interest in the associated task. So I wont make excuses for my inappropriate behaviour, or here, a lack of appropriate behaviour. 
I missed “How To Thursday” because I forgot. Plain and simple. I had nothing else going on yesterday. All I really did was get an oil change, brought my mom to the dentist, watched some TV, started an essay outline, and went to a friend’s 19th birthday (HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY JESSA). There certainly was time to write a blog to teach people interesting things, such as how to make a paper crane, how to make fun of your mother’s driving habits, or how to organize a pantry. 
But I didn’t. And for my lack of participation, I apologize. 
I will face the ridicule with a head hung low until this blog is posted, and after then, it will hang lower. 
What I will do, in hopes to win back your affections, respect, and smiles, will write a blog of How To Stress Kyla Out During A Basketball Game. I sincerely wish you relish in my insanity, laugh at my small mindedness, and forgive the person who made an honest, but inexcusable mistake.
Forever your humble blogger,

A Late How To Stress Kyla Out During A Basketball Game
My younger sister Caitlin is in grade 12 and she plays basketball. She really likes volleyball more, but my family makes her play basketball every year because we love it. Seriously. My mom is sending mass texts from Kamloops to 7 of my family members right now. Thats how much we we into watching good ol’ fashion high school basketball. 
So Caitlin’s basketball team is up in Kamloops right now playing in the provincial tournament. Last night they made it into the top four of the tournament and are CURRENTLY playing to get into the finals. 
Sports Canada has been feeding the games of the main court on the internet for the past few days. I had it open all day just waiting to watch the game but when I go to watch Caitlins game what does it do? NOT WORK. So here is how you stress Kyla out during a basketball game. 

1. Have it involve someone I know.

This will tear me apart. Especially if there are two people playing against each other. My conscious will have a melt down for who to cheer for. I’ll usually just sit there, trying to be neutral and shaking inside.

2. Make it an important game.

You know. Provincial titles, tournament games, league finals....oh man I’m stressed out thinking about them. Last year watching one of Caitlin’s volleyball games, I was so nervous I stopped breathing and didn’t notice until my eyes rolled back, ready to pass out. And volleyball isn’t my favorite sport. Basketball, I die before I realize I’ve stopped breathing.

3. Have an angry crowd. 

OMG. Catholics and Fraser Valley Semifinals. I do not do well with yelling going on around me. To have people yelling at the ref, at coaches, or at players I don’t like it. I’ve never seen a fight before and I never want to, so I live in fear one will break out in front of me and I’ll get hit.

4. Have someone sit behind me making comments.

I can't handle it. Lets leave it at that.


I'm freaked out right now. Caitlin's game is on and I can't see it. The updates every quarter from my mom just aren't cutting my stress level down. It actually made it rise when she sent "7 - 22 (them)" instead of "17 - 22 (them)"

If i decided to live through tonight, I'm gonna have to kill her next time I see her.

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