Monday, March 14

Memory Monday : My Life as a Young Scientist

     When I was a young’n, from when I was like 6 months old till I was 5, I lived in the most badass culdesac ever. There were built in friends (via neighbour’s children), block parties, and the best halloweens ever. Now, my house was nothing special. We had a big ass tree in the front yard, but that’s about all it had going for itself. But it was all about the neighbours, and the awesome stuff they had, that I used on the daily. The neighbour a few doors down had one of those sweet jeeps that kids can drive, which I took advantage of. Next door was a pool, and on the other side was a little old man that made me a rocking horse. Then a couple houses down on the other side was my best friend, who just so happened to have a hot tub, but I liked her for more than that. We were quite unique. It seemed like everything was created for us to play with, cover in chalk or generally ruin. This is all just background knowledge necessary to this story, as well as any other future stories from this same neighbourhood. Now, all of this is very exciting, but I am going to describe one of the key things I did during my reign in the culdesac.

     One of the memories that always comes to mind from when I was a little one, is the time that my dear friend and I woke up around 5am, and took it upon ourselves to fill my kiddy pool with dry dog food. For science. My mother recounts it, saying that she heard noises around 6am, and got up shortly after. When she found us, we were admiring our handiwork, with an empty dog food bag lying next to us. So in about half an hour, we had taken handful after handful from the laundry room to the backyard until the bag was light enough, when we used teamwork to drag it outside. This made the task much less daunting, because there was no more walking to do. The dog food plumped up slowly until it completely overtook the pool. We were successful. 

     I created this for you, so that you could vaguely understand the joy that an entire kiddy pool of this brought to me. It didn't work out so well, because it looks completely disgusting. I'm pretty sure it's because it's a different type of food.

     Anyways, while someone cleaned it up for us, we went and played with everyone else.

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