Monday, March 21

Memory Monday: Drunk or a Kid

I had a hard time thinking of a memory to highlight from my childhood. Thats the thing about memories. You have to remember one for it to be a memory. 

Watching 'How I Met Your Mother' the other day I enjoyed the game Marshal invents called "Drunk or a Kid". For the game, Marshal describes something dumb he had done, and everyone else had to guess if he did it while he was a kid or if he was drunk. Pretty epic. 

When I was a kid, I did some pretty dumb things, and I was never drunk. One of the first things I did actually isn't a memory, its something I was told I did, and the medical record confirms it.

When I was around the age of 2, I wandered outside to explore my backyard and the wonders it beheld. There were so many things that were new and exciting. I'm guessing the things I found the most exciting were probably the blue sky, the green grass, and the grey rocks. 

Oh how I was fascinated by those grey rocks. Some were large, some were small. Some were perfectly round, and some...well they fit up the nose of a 2 year old real well. They fit in a nose so well that a 2 year old can't pull them out with their little tiny fingers.

Being the sharer that I am, I decided to wander inside to share the news of my new type of booger. Approaching my mom, I pointed at my nose saying "Rock Mom. Rock". Concerned and confused my Mother looked up my nose (ah, the joys of parenting) and discovered my friend, the rock. To my 2 year-old annoyance, both my parents tried to get the rock out. They failed and so off to the emergency room we went. 

At the hospital I was put in what some might call a straight-jacket and my head was strapped down (I was putting up a good fight). The nice hospital people put little pliers up my nose and after a few times were able to pull the rock out. (cultural) Woo! 

The moral of the story for this memory is that children should not be left alone with small objects NOT because they will put them in their mouth, but because they will put them in any place they think they can hide it the best.  

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