Wednesday, March 23

The Future Life of Kyla

So Kyla and I went on a road trip last weekend to Kamloops, BC to watch Kyla's lil sister play basketball. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the area, Kamloops is about a three-ish hour drive from good ole' Langley.  Kyla was the captain and I was co-pilot. We also had a mom of one of the other girls tag along so it was all good fun.

Since I suffer from terrible motion sickness, I can do very little on long car rides. I can't read, do crossword puzzles, word searches, cell phone games or focus on anything outside of the car for very long unless I want a week-long headache.

For some reason I can colour and doodle. No idea why, I'm no doctor.
So I was armed with my 96 pack of crayons and a sketch pad. Many doodles were produced and I also exercised my psychic abilities and predicted Kyla's future.

I shall interpret.

Kyla, that lucky gal, will be marrying Hugh Hefner therefore will be living in a mansion, duh, in Forks, Washington. You would think she would have Bella and Edward as a neighbour, but no, she lucked out and will be barbequing it up with Rupert Grint. Not wanting to show off their extensive wealth, they will be modest and drive around Winston- my 1989 Toyota Camry.

 Before the happy couple settles in, they will be honeymooning along Hastings Street, Vancouver- how cute!

Back in Forks, Mrs. Kyla Hefner and Huey (weird, thats Kyla's Dad's name), will have ten to the sixteenth power kids and a pet groundhog. I guess the extensive number of children caused Kyla to get a job so she became a trucker...awww yeah. 

If there are any questions on the possibilities Kyla missed out on, or you would like your own fortune told, just ask :D

1 comment:

  1. hahahha I love this! I would also like my fortune told!! :)
