Monday, March 7

Memory Monday: "Dumber"

This week is my lil sister's birthday, so I shall post a memory of her.

I am the eldest sibling in my family. This entitles me to perform evil acts upon my younger sisters. One of my favourites was April Fools day of 2003. I was thirteen years old, my sister, Jessa, was 11. She had been saving all her nickles and dimes since forever to buy a dog, specifically a Golden Retriever. I can't remember why  it HAD to be a golden retriever but that is what she was set on.

So it is the morning of April 1, 2003, and I am scrambling to come up with some tricks to play on the family by the noon cut off, why some fun sucker invented that the pranks end at noon? I don't know. I decided to write a letter addressed to my sister from some breeding kennel saying that they had a dog available for her to come look at. She had been on the waitlist for a while so this would be a big deal for her. Because I was pressed for time, I hand wrote the letter in pencil ( I couldn't find a pen) and stuck it in our mailbox without a return address, stamp or any sort of forged insignia to make it look like it had actually gone to the mail place; I was quite upset with my lack of authenticity but I wanted to get something done.

Now by the age of 11, one should have developed some street smarts yes? Not so for Jessa. The kid is a genius at school and sports and such but she earned the nick name "Dumber" (her best friend: "Dumb") very early in life.

So I was expecting her to just read it, tell me I am a jerk or something and then I would be commended for my efforts. Nope. She takes the letter, absolutely loses it : "MOMMM!!!! THEY HAVE  A PUPPY FOR ME". Then started running around planning where the stupid dog will sleep and what time they will go look at it and stuff. Because I hadn't planned this reaction, I hadn't developed a plan how to tell her this was an April Fools or anything. So I let her excitement continue for a bit then I ruined her life by telling her I wrote the letter.

I actually got in quite a bit of trouble for that one because she got pretty upset about the whole ordeal so I got the "Its not funny if someone gets hurt" lecture from my mother and stuff. Ironically, later that week we did get a phone call from a breeder and by June, we had a new dog.

Happy Birfday Lil Sis.

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