Monday, February 28

Memory Monday: Ellie the Elephant

I recently changed the wallpaper of my computer from an amazing picture of bookshelves to this cute picture of elephants which I found on a blog I follow.

Elephants are my second favorite favorite animal (number one would be a dragonfly). There are many reasons for this. They are like no other animals in that they are old looking but still adorable. They are then huge. I like animals which are either really big, or really small, because its such different from the size from a human. And then I also have a knack for making a sound which sounds an a lot like an elephant (so I’m told). Anyways. My love with elephants began the Christmas I won Ellie...

My grandparents owned a cabin in at the base of Mount Baker that was located in what is best described as a community trailer park for Canadians. It was fantastic there.There was an indoor and outdoor pool, tons of roads to chalk on, few hills so we could bike everywhere, and a river to swim in. Good times.
Every year, two weeks before Christmas, the community would have a christmas party at the hall where Santa would arrive in all his glory in a police escort car, lights flashing and sirens going, to give presents to all the kids there. We would line up, sit on his lap, tell him what we would like for Christmas, and then receive a small gift. Next, a dinner was served, and the night ended with Christmas carols sang BEAUTIFULLY by everyone. And raffle prizes were given out. 
In 1998 I was in grade 3. Santa arrived in his usual fashion and we gathered around to receive our gifts. I got a peace-sign necklace on a chain. Real hard core and cool for my youthful age. We then had dinner and they began to pull raffle tickets. What was special about this year was that I WON A RAFFLE PRIZE.
It was ridiculous. A stuffed elephant that was a meter tall and over a meter long. It was stuffed so well that it was able to stay standing on its own. I was stoked and my love for elephants bloomed. I named her Ellie. She stayed in my room, but I would often drag her out to play house, where she would be the pet dog (because no one has a pet elephant). 
But soon I outgrew large stuffed animals and sold her in a garage sale. I kinda regret it, as she was the closest thing to a pet I have ever had. But the times we had together were memorable. And we will always have those.

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