Thursday, February 24

How to Thursday: How to turn Life into a Drinking Game

I swear I am not a drunk…but many times I seriously wonder why I haven’t turned into one yet. So many opportunities have come up lately where the situation would be so much more epic if it were a drinking game.

Example : American Literature

Kyla and I take this class together. As a reading nerd, the class itself isn’t terrible but there are some real wierdos; Giggles McGee, Glasses and Professor Um.

Giggles McGee: This guy who giggles like a little school girl after random comments are made by the prof or during group/class discussion. The kicker is he doesn’t laugh if someone says something that is actually funny.

Glasses: The most annoying person on earth; well on Mondays and Wednesdays at least. She touches her glasses about 5 million times a class, doesn’t shut up about being in French classes and changes the subject of the conversation.
Professor Um: The prof. Shes actually hilarious and a good prof but will get caught up in the conversation she is apparently having in her head and will blank out in the middle of explaining something and all she can utter is umm…umm…umm.

Here is a typical dialogue of this class:

Prof Um:  Emerson was seen as a champion of individualism

Giggles: hee hee

Prof Um: ummm … and a prescient critic of the countervailing pressures of society.

Giggles: hee hee

Prof Um: ummm....ummmm...uh...ummm .....He disseminated his thoughts through dozens of published essays.

Glasses: Excuse me professor, I was going to say something about that but his essays reminded me of this one time * touches glasses * in my French class * touches glasses * ….bla bla bla everyone tunes out.

Giggles: hee hee

Prof Um: Well yes infact….ummm….well …ummm….ummm…ummm….ummmm

Giggles: Hee hee

So you get the point.

The other day, Kyla and I decided that this class would be an epic drinking game. After my descriptions of the crazies in this class I am sure you can picture it but here are our rules.

American Lit Gongshow Rules:

1)   Take a drink every time Giggles McGee snickers.
a.     Finish your drink if it was actually something funny.
2)   Take a drink every time Glasses mauls her namesake.
3)   Take a drink every time Prof Um stutters.
4)   Take a drink every time Glasses mentions French class.
a.     Finish your drink if she pronounces something obviously intended to be English in a hideous French accent.
                                               i.     Ex. Beeeeb-lee-ee-o-og-gra-phee(Bibliography)
5)   Take a drink if Glasses starts her sentence with “I was concerned about…”
a.     Finish your drink if she changes the subject.

Moral of the story is, if your day is super boring or you have someone super annoying around you, think out some rules and keep a tally of the number of shots you will owe yourself...or you can always drink in public :)

Happy Thursday!

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