Monday, February 14

And so it begins...

     Greetings world, this is of course working on the assumption that the entire world is interested in the goings on in three magnificent broads’ lives. This blog is a dump site for everything hilarious that we think of. There is a lot of it, so this is going to be like the biggest land fill of hilarity. Ever. For awhile, we have discussed the many things of what we would be good at, what things we could make, as well as things we could invent, which we will probably never get to, someone else will invent, get rich and we will remain the poor souls with minimal jobs. But what we have followed through on is this blog. This is our viral outlet to vent about people, share our doodles, tell stories of how mean we are to our friends, how ridiculous our jobs can be and just any other cool things we come across.
     More importantly, us. I imagine this introduction to be like the profiles of bachelorettes on The Dating Game, when that cheesy announcer tells the captivated audience about the dull people they’ll be watching, but in a really interesting way. So please, read the rest of this paragraph in that voice.
     Here’s Casey...she loves orange, horses, hot cocoa and long walks on the beach. She’s a 20 year old Libra who works with Special Needs kids. What a gal!
     And heeeeere’s Kyla. She’s the best server you’ll ever have and don’t be surprised if she woos you with her patented Riesen face. This little filly is 21 years old and wanted to be a dentist when she grew up, until she thought about how freaky teeth were.
     Then there’s Brittny (that's me), only the best person you’ll ever meet. Incredibly modest, but beyond wonderful, she is the light in everyone’s lives. When she was born, she popped out saying, “You’re welcome.” Although she has a knack for disliking children, she is confident she was the coolest kid on the block. And that’s who you’ll be reading about on this humble little blog.


  1. wow. i can't wait to read EVERYTHING that gets written on this site! (which i know will be a lot of marvelous stuff). BUT, I do happen to know these girls personally, and therefore no that they aren't THAT funny or amusing in real life :)........ JUST KIDDING....of course they are!!!! (Who could pass up an orange unicorn that finger walks like a dinosaur?!)

    i look forward to the many 'heartwarming' stories to grace my screen!

    <3 'Megan'

  2. quick question... how come Brittny's name is the same as the rest of the writing? hmm?

    Anywho! I love this and am excited for these little doodles.. maybe.. one day.. if I am good enough.. could I too.. draw some funny doodles.. for this blog?

    :) Love you all!
