Monday, May 30

Memory Monday: Like a Boss

I apologize to all 5 million of our followers (HA HA HA) that we have sucked so bad the last few weeks...we don't really have an excuse either...not much has changed in our lives or anything.

Now on to the memory!

So Im quite surprised that I have not used this one yet. It comes up in my life quite frequently.

Once again, I am a older one to be exact. A video exists that took place when I was 4 or 5. My younger sister who was 2 or 3 at the time and I were playing in our backyard while my dad was working on a playhouse he had been building us. He had just installed two windows and we thought it was the best thing in the world. In the video, Jessa and I are going in and out of the playhouse and opening and closing the windows from the inside and outside. Jessa gave up early and began to play with her turtle wheelbarrow.
I was not having this.

Being the eldest child....and especially in front of a camera...I had to be on my game. I started ordering my sister to do a whole bunch of stupid stuff like collecting leaves and putting them on the floor of the playhouse and then taking them out again, washing the windows with puddle water or planting dandelions on our "porch".

I got bored pretty fast of that and then was set on taking the video camera from my mother and becoming a film maker. The next 5ish min of the video is a constant drone of me whining "I wanna take a picture of Jeee esssss aaaaa". Good times.

My siblings and parents love to throw this video in the VHS every once in the while to prove that my bossiness has been around since the dawn of time.

So yeah...we'll try to be more on the ball for posts. And we might have a Bro visit the closet (that sounds strange) of our pals is in town and he has requested to be a guest blogger.

Ta Ta

Monday, May 16

Memory Monday : Great Parenting

So due to the fact that I just realized that it’s Monday, this is going to be a really boring MM. Sorry.

     One Halloween while my mom and I were getting out all of our decorations she found this fake knife that had a blade that went into the handle. So like, if you put any pressure on it, it just went inside the handle rather than into your flesh.
     And she’s all “oh, what a nice moment, I’m spending time with my super awesome kid, how about I ruin it right now.” Convinced that stabbing herself was a good idea she stares at me with menacing eyes and slams the knife into her hand with startling force. Now, being about 5 or 6 years old, I did not know that this wasn’t a real knife. So I cried. A lot. And wouldn’t stop. Because my mother had practically just attempted suicide in front of me. What a jerk.
     I think one day, as revenge, I will invest in some of those fake needles and pretend I’m hooked on heroin. Suck on that.

Monday, May 9

Memory Monday: This One Time... At Pony Club Camp

So I def almost forgot about Memory bad.

Ya I said it. I was, have been and am still a member of Pony Club. Im on year 12 or something ridiculous. Its a kickass organization for peeps to learn how to take care of their beasts (horses), meet weirdos like myself and special access to a bunch of competitions. My friend Mike has a shit-fit every time Pony Club comes up as he knows I ride a horse, not a pony so things that I am cheating the system or something like that....but ya you don't even have to actually own a horse/pony to be in this dealio.


Like I said I totally forgot to prepare something so I realized I needed to pump something out quick and I was talking to one of my Pony Pals , Emily, so I decided to write something about Pony Club.

This might be one of those times where this is actually funnier to me than it will be to others as you had to be there...but ya I laugh like a crazy person every time I think about this. 

We were at a end of the season summer camp, it was midnightish and we were playing truth or dare. I was 14 or 15 I believe and I was one of the "older kids". One of the other kids was in the transition between one of the young kids and old kids so she was trying to prove herself. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this kid, who is now a lovely young lady, but we were total jerks to her.

We were camping next to a bunch of trees and on the other side of these trees was a big field, roughly the size of a football field. We had been playing capture the flag in said field during the day and had left one of the "flags" at the far end of the field. We dared young Katie to walk to the end of the field alone and retrieve the bag. Rebels right?. Well she left and a few seconds later we sent out two girls, Taco and Crazy Erin to scare her.

It turned out that Katie had cheated somewhat and had grabbed one of the solar powered lamps that were around the camp to provide a pathetic circle of light to comfort her on her trek. Taco and Crazy Erin saw the shining beacon and snuck ahead of her. Something like this...

Back at the tents, we were waiting quietly to hear Katie's reaction to her ambush. About 2 minutes into the whole operation, the most blood curdling scream I have heard to this day sounded out. 

I have never laughed so hard in my life. 

She eventually forgave us but I like to think it added to her character :)


Shoutout to a hilarious video Pony Pal Emily provided for my entertainment...its silly.

Happy Monday!

Friday, May 6

How To Thursday : How to Quit 'How To Thursday'

Okay my friends. I come bearing simply terrible news. I know Thursdays must have been the highlight of your week for the last while, with our scheduled posting of greatness. But alas, we must give up on the weekly structure of HTT. It's become too frightening of a task to face.

Now, we will still post How Tos, just not every single Thursday ever. Hopefully less of a strict outline for ourselves will promote random blogging about our super exciting, everyday lives.

So I am sorry, but How To Thursday is no more...for now.

 I assume this was your reaction to the news.

Monday, May 2

Memory Monday: Fear of Trees

This Sunday Vancouver experienced some really nice weather, so a group of us and Casey's family made a trip down to White Rock beach for some fish and chips from Moby Dicks, and sunshine.

What occurs here is my train of thought:

Memory Monday topic... --> yesterday? --> White Rock beach --> the actual white rock --> kids getting stuck on the rock --> did I ever get stuck on the rock? --> No. But I did get stuck in that tree.... = a memory topic!

There is a park by my house which has an outdoor, public pool which is open in the summer. This pool is surrounded by trees, a big grass lawn, and used to have an AWESOME playground (it was a castle) that has now been replaced by a less exciting playground. (Not like I would still play on a playground...). But back in the day, it was the place to be on a hot sunny day, or even a rainy one. 

I am unsure how old I was when the "tree incident" occurred, but I think I was around 8.

My mom had brought us down to the pool to meet our friend and her mom. After swimming we thought it would be really cool to climb the trees which surrounded the park. We chose a tree with the most space available for the three of us to fit in. My sister, Lesia, friend, Cristina, and I easily got ourselves into the tree by boosting each other up, then pulling up the others; all very daring and risky.

Once we got into the tree it was great. We could move around the whole thing on the branches, could climb higher, and hang off the branches. 

But after a very exciting 5 minutes, we were bored and it was time to climb down. After Lesia and Cristina had jumped down, I decided that I was not ready to make the leap. My mom told me she would catch me. Cristina's mom said she would catch me. But I wouldn't believe either of them. I then expressed that "I wanted a dad to catch me". Any dad. Not even my dad. Just any grown man who appeared stronger than the 5-foot, 2-inch mothers in front of me. They told me that there were no fathers around to spare their strength and height (something I still don't believe).

I spent more time being afraid of getting out of the tree, than I did playing in it. Kinda sad I know, but it was a learning experience. In the end, I told my mom to move and I jumped down by myself and lived to tell the tale.

True Story.